Jelq Technique

The jelq exercise and its variations have been around for hundreds of years. If you are struggling to get results out of the Penis Enlargement Cream, we highly recommend that you use the cream along with the jelq exercises.

How the Jelq Works

As you jelq your penis, the spaces in the penis continually stretch larger and larger, breaking down the cell walls within the Corpora Cavernosa (erectile tissue). Over time, the spaces just keep getting larger and stronger, healing at night while you sleep. The technique also stretches the tissues of the penis as well as the suspensory ligament, which will help to lengthen the penis.

Important Notes:

The jelq technique is best performed in a semi-erect state (1/2 to 3/4 erect) Results cannot be obtained until a partial erection is present. If you have trouble achieving a partial erection, you may need to stroke yourself to a full erection and then let it subside somewhat.

It is crucial to use the X-Cream Penis Enlargement Cream with the jelq exercise because the combination will produce outstanding results. If the Cream is too uncomfortable or dries out too quickly then apply a lubricant first We also recommend that you start using Johnson’s & Johnson’s Baby Oil with Vitamin E added to your penis and testicles after you shower to keep them healthy.

If you feel the uncontrollable urge to ejaculate while performing jelq, you have a very weak and poorly developed ejaculatory muscle “PC.” Upon the first sign of ejaculation, stop and wait for the feeling to subside. See the instructions that come with the X-Cream Penis Enlargement Cream for details on how to solve this problem.

Jelqing requires more pressure and a tighter grip than the other penis enlargement exercises. You will want to apply pressure just to the point where you feel slight discomfort and then release very slightly so that you are gripping as firmly as you can without causing discomfort. This additional pressure is one of the primary reasons that we caution against performing it with an erect penis.

DO NOT jelq in the shower! Most men will not stand up for the amount of time needed to have a good jelq session, and if you use soap you will be sore for days. For your sake, do not jelq in the shower and do not use soap.

Exercise Variations

In addition to the jelq exercises introduced in the exercises section, we would like to introduce one more exercise using the jelq technique. This exercise requires the constant use of two hands.

Massage your penis until it reaches 60-80% erection.
Apply the X-Cream Penis Enlargement Cream.
Use your left hand and make an “OK” sign with your thumb and index finger and grip tightly around the head of your penis. Exert a light stretch.
Using the right hand, starting from the base of the penis, slowly pull (milk) towards the penis head. It should take 2-3 seconds to reach the glans.
Once the right hand meets the first hand at the glans, release its grip and return the right hand to the base.
Repeat from step 3 to step 4. Alternate hands if needed.
Perform the exercise for 5 minutes.